Benefits Of Doula Care
be NEAR to your clients
A Doula is a caregiver and labor companion who provides the birthing parent and their birth partner continuous emotional support, physical comfort, and assistance obtaining information before during and just after birth.
Some components of birth and/or postpartum Doula Care:​
Nurture Educate Assess Refer
Labor/postpartum support​
Improves birth outcomes
Reduces fear and anxiety
Decreases birth trauma
Continuous uninterrupted presence
Perspective on issues and options
Ability to remain calm and objective
Advocacy of birthing persons wishes and goals
Continuous uninterrupted presence during the birth
Knowledge of comfort measures
Reduces need for medical interventions in labor​
Reduces need for pain management
Reduces cesarean birth by at least 28%
Increases breastfeeding proficiency
- Experience with other laboring women
- Freedom from other obligations and tasks
- Provides education concerning clinical management and hospital/MD policies
- Knowledge and understanding of normal physiology during the childbearing year
Increases the delivering person's feelings of empowerment and satisfaction
Light housekeeping tasks, errand running, meal prep